Julie Mitchell's CoachNotes


Happy New Year and hooray for daily walks!


Winter Walk at Sunset (Durham, NC)

As 2012 begins I’m celebrating last year’s accomplishment: I walked my talk! My January 2011 new year intentions included the somewhat daunting promise to walk outdoors for an hour a day (365 days in a row for 60 minutes). Other than two “sick” days of yucky stomach issues, I walked throughout 2011. Three days I was forced to step indoors due to weather, so the final tally looks like this: 363 days of walking, 360 in the great (and not-so-great) outdoors. Some treks were breezy and blissful; others boring, painful slogs. I learned a lot about putting one foot in front of the other on the slow, steady path to a positive habit. Now I know what it’s like to KEEP a deep, authentic, heartfelt intention… to will it into being, no matter what. I did not do this alone: I had help from my amazing, supportive husband, friends, walking buddies and terrific clients who helped me get CoachWalks off the ground again, after a long hiatus. I’m feeling lots of gratitude as I walk into the new year!

Author: Julie Mitchell

Julie Mitchell is an executive coach, facilitator, professional speaker and senior consultant who can help you create more positive working relationships, improve your performance, and achieve goals through understanding and practicing effective communication on every level.

4 thoughts on “Happy New Year and hooray for daily walks!

  1. Fantastic!!!! I love the word intention and have been exploring the difference between intention and resolutions. You have illustrated, quite brilliantly, the forward movement of an intention and power of keeping one. I wonder what your intentions for 2012 might be.

  2. Thanks, Nancy – you were with me in spirit during my walks. I appreciated your wonderful post on intentions. I have hosted energizing “new year intentions” gatherings over the years and it seems many folks prefer intentions over resolutions. Before January is over I’ll write about 2012 intentions (thanks for the prompt)!

  3. Congratulations, Julie! You’re an inspiration. It was a privilege to walk with you last year. I look forward to hearing more about your unfolding path in 2012.

  4. Pingback: Goals on the rocks? Be realistic about time. | Julie Mitchell's CoachNotes

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